Wonderwall ♥ Publicerad 2012-08-15 09:40:22 i onedirection, Omg I love this!! ♥ /Teah Kommentarer (0) 1D, best, onedirection,
OS CLOSING CEREMONY Publicerad 2012-08-13 12:44:44 i , onedirection, we are so proud of the boys! we can't find words! They did it so great and they truly owned the ceremony! And now they truly own the world! ♥ words can't describe how proud I'am! ♥ /Teah Kommentarer (0)
Sannah got it! Publicerad 2012-08-12 13:38:56 i , onedirection, Yepp, Sannah got this very good DVD. Im gonna order it soon, when I got my money from my summerwork, and order alot of 1D stuff! :D And im gonna buy a t-shirt and then add *Jai, Luke & Beau Brooks* on it ;D /Teah Kommentarer (0)